Tori lives in Montevideo, where she grew up and graduated high school in 2020. Growing up, she always enjoyed animals and started working as a dog groomer in High School. Working daily with dogs showed her that she wanted a career with animals. She had grown up bringing her animals to the Dawson Vet Clinic, so when she wanted to further her career, she knew she had to reach out. Tori joined us as an Assistant in July of 2021 and has enjoyed the position ever since. She can be found doing a little bit of everything in the clinic, but she particularly enjoys working with horses and assisting with cat abscesses. When Tori is not working, she enjoys hunting, fishing, and kayaking with her husband. She has a Border Collie mix named Winston, who loves to hunt with them, and two cats, Fred and Ginny Weasley (named from her favorite movie). Her future goals include moving to a farm where they can expand their furry family.